
Hariri: 2013 Elections Will Change Current Govt. Situation

Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri noted on Thursday that the living conditions in Lebanon have greatly deteriorated in the past year, blaming the current government for the poor situation in the country.

He said via Twitter: “The 2013 parliamentary elections will surely change” this reality.

“We are a democratic movement. Elections will be a chance for every Lebanese to change the government and the bad situation,” he stressed.

Asked whether the current government will oversee the elections, the former premier replied: “No matter who will supervise them, we need to be ready.”

Commenting on Hizbullah’s relation to proportional representation in electoral law, he remarked: “There can be no discussions on proportional representation in light of the threat of arms that prevent candidates from running in the party’s areas of power. Remember what happened to the rival candidates who ran in Baabda, Baalbek, and the South in the 2009 elections.”

The March 8 camp has advocated the adoption of proportional representation for the electoral law.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat has however rejected this proposal, saying that it is aimed at limiting his political weight.

On Jumblat’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia, Hariri said that he did not hold talks with him, noting: “He was in Jeddah and I am in Riyadh.”

“We will soon meet,” he revealed.

Asked if Jumblat may return to the ranks of his former allies, the March 14 forces, he responded: “Time will tell.”

The PSP leader had visited Saudi Arabia earlier this week, where he held talks with a number of officials, including Foreign Minister Prince Saudi al-Faisal.

Hariri is currently in Saudi Arabia where he is still recuperating from breaking his leg in January.

Addressing the Syrian crisis, Hariri remarked that the International Criminal Court was laying down the verdict against former Liberian President Charles Taylor, charging him with crimes against humanity.

“It’s a day of hope for Syrian people that one day President Bashar Assad will be held accountable for his crimes against his own people,” he said.

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