
Ghosn Confirms Smuggling along Border: Army Performing All it Can to Curb it

Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn confirmed that smuggling operations are taking place along the border with Syria, admitting that it is “very difficult” to completely monitor the entire 330 kilometer-border, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

He told the daily: “The army is performing all it can to curb the illegal activity.”

“I can say with complete confidence that the army is doing its utmost in this regard and on the internal scene,” he stressed.

Some problems are inevitable and they take place along borders all over the world, said Ghosn.

President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati are constantly kept up to date regarding the developments on the border, he continued.

Furthermore, the defense minister revealed that the smuggling operations have intensified recently and the army is dealing with this issue “firmly and without discrimination.”

The army has made frequent arrests recently against arms smugglers to Syria.

The operations had intensified since the eruption of the Syrian people’s uprising against the ruling regime.

On the situation along the southern border with Israel, Ghosn noted: “The situation is currently calm, but given that the border is shared with Israel, we constantly anticipate any unrest.”

“We must remain diligent,” he stressed.

“The army is deployed heavily in the South and it is cooperating positively with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon,” added the minister.

He noted however that some sides within the Palestinian refugee camps may seek to create instability, saying that security plans have been devised to confront such developments.

Addressing media reports on the presence of a takfiri network in Lebanon, Ghosn stated that the he had previously warned the Lebanese of the presence of al-Qaida in Lebanon.

“We have to be prepared to confront a possible wave of terrorism that targets all sides without consideration,” cautioned the defense minister.

“It’s unfortunate that some sides had politicized my warnings, demanding my resignation,” he added.

The minister had warned in recent months that members of al-Qaida had infiltrated the Bekaa town of Arsal, sparking criticism from the March 14 camp that he is seeking to tarnish the town’s image.

The army has recently discovered and arrested members of a takfiri network that was seeking to carry out attacks against the Lebanese army.

The head of the network, who had ties to the al-Qaida terrorist group, remains at large and he is suspected to be residing in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain el-Hilweh.

Asked about foreign military aid to the army, Ghosn remarked that several ambassadors had pledged such support, but these vows have not been materialized.

“We demand that they fulfill their pledges because the missions that the army is expected to perform require it to be better equipped,” he stressed.

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