
Geagea Meets Gemayel: Govt. Will Collapse Sooner or Later

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Monday the government’s performance, while slamming the Free Patriotic Movement’s handling of the electricity file.

He said after holding talks in Maarab with Phalange Party MP Sami Gemayel: “The government will collapse sooner or later.”

He added that the FPM is forcing various government factors into accepting its proposals on the electricity file by saying that “you either do as we want or Lebanon will not have any electricity.”

Geagea also noted an American company’s proposal to Prime Minister Najib Miqati to construct a 500 megawatt power plant at the cost of $500 million, which is the same price as leasing power-generating vessels that has been proposed by Energy Minister Jebran Bassil.

“This issue raises several questions,” stated the LF leader.

A dispute has emerged in government over finding a solution to Lebanon’s electricity problems, with Miqati voicing reservations over Bassil’s suggestion on power-generating ships.

Addressing Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi’s position on the Syrian crisis, Geagea said: “His stance does not meet our expectations.”

He added however that the differences in opinion do not signal the emergence of a dispute between the two sides.

Earlier in March, the patriarch had condemned the violence in Syria “whether it was carried out by the regime or the people or armed men.”

On March 12, Geagea had slammed al-Rahi’s stand, saying his remarks “put all the Christians in the region in danger.”

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