
Gemayel from Tripoli: Sovereignty Cannot Be Established amid Illegitimate Arms

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel said on Thursday that ending “statelets” and “closed security zones” would help build the Lebanese state.

He said: “Lebanon’s sovereignty cannot be established without eliminating the possession of illegitimate arms.”

He made his statements after holding talks in Tripoli with the city’s Mufti Sheikh Malek al-Shaar.

Weapons should be limited to the Lebanese army and security forces, he stressed.

“We should eliminate all forms of extremism, which does not benefit Lebanon in any way,” he remarked.

“We should all be loyal to Lebanon and this loyalty is what unites us,” said Gemayel.

Addressing the developments in Syria, he noted: “Given Lebanon, and especially Tripoli’s experience under Syrian hegemony, we cannot but voice our solidarity with the Syrian people.”

“We are required to fortify Lebanon’s internal scene against any repercussions the Syrian crisis may have on our country,” said the Phalange Party leader.

“A lack of security in Syria should not lead to a lack of security in Lebanon,” he stated.

For his part, Shaar said: “It’s true that Lebanon is an open country … but this does not mean that I should place foreign interests before my own.”

“My sense of belonging to Lebanon should be stronger than my sense of belonging to Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United States or any other country,” he stressed.

“Our strength lies in our national unity and Israel combats this unity,” noted the mufti.

“We have no choice but mutual coexistence, regardless of the circumstances,” he continued.

“Several sides think with their physical might instead of their minds and want to lure others to infighting,” he warned.

Addressing Gemayel, Shaar said: “Lebanon cannot abandon one sect or one political camp … it is up to you to thwart strife.”

“I long for holding a national conference that would ban infighting between the Lebanese and which would call for using arms strictly against Israel,” he added.

“Words are the weapons of the wise and noble, while arms are the language of the weak,” he concluded.

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