
Bad Odor Engulfs Akkar, Source Might be Syria

An unusual bad smell that has engulfed the northern district of Akkar, causing some cases of breathing problems among the residents, originates from Syria, MP Moeen al-Merehbi said Tuesday.

“The source of the odor is Syria,” al-Merehbi told Voice of Lebanon radio station (100.5).

“It is either caused by an oil pipeline (leak) in (the central Syrian city of) Homs, or the Syrian regime could have detonated a chemicals factory that caused toxic fumes producing these odors,” he said.

VDL said there were some cases of dizziness, fatigue and breathing problems among the residents.

The National News Agency reported that Akkar’s residents mainly in the border areas of Wadi Khaled and al-Abdeh have been complaining about the horrible smell since early Tuesday.

Authorities in the area are investigating the source of the odor, it said.

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