
Gallant says Israel will 'destroy Hezbollah'

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has vowed that Israel "will achieve (its) goals in the north and south," in what he called a message to both Israel’s "enemies and best friends."

The comments come after U.S. President Joe Biden threatened that some arms shipments would be frozen if Israel launched a planned full-on offensive in southern Gaza’s Rafah.

"I say from here to Israel’s enemies and its best friends: The State of Israel cannot be subdued -- not the IDF (Israeli army), not the Defense Ministry, not the defense establishment, not the State of Israel. We will stand, we will achieve our goals, we will hit Hamas, we will destroy Hezbollah, and we will bring security," Gallant said during a ceremony ahead of Israel’s Memorial Day.

"Whatever the cost, we will ensure the existence of the State of Israel and remember well the directive we signed just a week ago during the Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, the words ‘Never Again.’ For me, it’s not just a directive, it’s a work plan. This is how the defense establishment will work and this is how the IDF (Israeli army) will work," he added.

Source: Naharnet

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