
U.S. Monitoring Hizbullah Activities after Series of Bombings and Plots

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said the U.S. is closely monitoring the activities of Hizbullah after a failed bomb plot in Bangkok and attacks on Israeli embassy staff in India and Georgia.

Napolitano told lawmakers Wednesday that the Homeland Security Department has contacted Jewish organizations around the country and is working with the FBI and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

She said there is no specific or credible threat against any organization or target in the United States but warned that the threat from Hizbullah remains a “critical situation worth watching.”

The warning came after Iran was accused of launching the series of attacks against Israeli interests this week in Thailand, Georgia and India. Hizbullah is closely allied with Iran.

An Israeli diplomat in New Delhi suffered on Monday grave shrapnel wounds when a motorbike assailant attached a bomb to her car. Another embassy car in Tbilisi was found before it blew up.

In Thailand, police chief Phrewphan Damapong said that Israeli diplomats were the intended target of the botched plot by Iranian suspects, which came to light following an apparently unintended explosion at a house in Bangkok on Tuesday.

The Defense Department estimates that Hizbullah receives between $100 million and $200 million a year in funding from Iran.

Source: Associated Press, Naharnet

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