Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Tuesday filed a notice with Financial Prosecutor Judge Ali Ibrahim, asking him to “launch a comprehensive and broad investigation into the work of the LibanPost company and reveal whether there are any offenses, violations or abuses committed by it or by its owners or those in charge of it.”
If it turns out that there are any irregularities, the relevant legal measures should be taken, Mikati, who owns LibanPost, added.
In the notice he decries that “whenever the issue of LibanPost is raised, some media platforms launch accusations against the company and against us under the excuse that it is owned by us.”
The caretaker Cabinet had recently issued a resolution tasking and authorizing the telecom minister to sign a clearance and release of responsibility contract with the company. Mikati noted that Cabinet discussed the issue based on a request from the telecom minister, who “stressed that his authorization by Cabinet was based on the applicable laws and regulations.”
Accordingly, Mikati called on Ibrahim to “investigate out of the principle of transparency and to refute the systematic false accusations and unjust campaign that is targeting us,” describing the reports in this regard as misleading and suspicious.
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