Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati on Wednesday accused MP and ex-energy minister Nada Bustani of “curtailing facts in an attempt to disavow her direct interference in the work of the executive authority,” after she accused him of backpedaling on the approval of funds needed to purchase fuel for the national electricity company.
In a statement issued by his press office, Mikati accused Bustani of failing to mention that his previous approval had stipulated the issuance of a cabinet decree and the presence of an official clarification from Electricite du Liban explaining how it intends to return the treasury loan.
“As for the constitutional part, we advise those orienting Mrs. Bustani that it is necessary to draw her attention to the need for halting her interference in the work of the executive authority and her participation in discussions related to the executive authority on behalf of the absent-present competent minister,” Mikati added, wondering if the Free Patriotic Movement “considers that we have become in the era of a one-party state that is in charge of both the legislative and executive authorities.”
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