
Shalom: Hizbullah Consolidating Capabilities in Contravention with 1701

Israeli deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom warned on Tuesday that Hizbullah was consolidating its military capabilities in contravention with U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

He told the Herzliya Conference on “The Balance of Israel’s National Strength and Security" that Lebanon is the only country where a party has representatives in parliament and at the same time military capabilities.

Shalom warned from the consequences of Iranian attempts to control moderate Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

He called European countries to make every effort to confront such attempts through strengthening moderate states in the region.

Shalom also warned that Iran is trying to control oil fields in the region, allowing it to improve its nuclear program.

The Herzliya conference is being held Feb. 6-9. It has become the annual "summit meeting" of the most influential Israeli and international leaders.

Israel’s outgoing army chief Gabi Ashkenazi told the conference on Monday that Hizbullah is “not capable of conquering the Negev (in southern Israel) or the Galilee” in northern Israel.

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