
Alloush Says Hariri Will Only Form Technocrat Govt.

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri will only form a technocrat government, because a political government would push all politicians to get heavily involved in it, a top al-Mustaqbal Movement official has said.

“Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah encouraged President Michel Aoun to show further intransigence,” al-Mustaqbal Movement deputy head ex-MP Mustafa Alloush said in a radio interview, referring to the speech delivered Thursday by Nasrallah.

As for Nasrallah’s call for activating the caretaker cabinet, Alloush said such a move requires a “constitutional amendment.”

“Today we are drowning amid tense political situations,” Alloush lamented.

Nasrallah has said Hizbullah is still with the formation of a government of specialists but he advised Hariri to form a techno-political cabinet that can take difficult and unpopular decisions regarding the needed reforms.

Hariri is scheduled to hold a key meeting with President Michel Aoun on Monday.

Source: Naharnet

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