Interior Minister Mohammed Fahmi on Friday announced the arrest of two of those who attacked anti-corruption protesters outside the Council for South in the Beirut suburb of Jnah.
"They are being interrogated to identify the motives, reasons and instigators behind the attack on protesters," Fahmi said in a statement.
"They will be referred to the relevant judicial authorities for the necessary legal measures against them and security agencies are continuing their raids to arrest other assailants who took part in the attack on protesters," he added.
Fahmi had earlier condemned “the barbaric behavior that peaceful demonstrators, including women, were subjected to on their way to a sit-in outside the Council for South.”
“Among the Interior Ministry’s missions and priorities is the protection of all citizens, be them protesters or not, and the prevention of acts of rioting and vandalism,” Fahmi said.
The Ministry “will not allow security violators to insult the dignity of any citizen, under any circumstance, excuse or reason,” the minister stressed, noting that “protesting and assembly is a legitimate right enshrined in the law and all humanitarian and ethical norms and applicable regulations.”
Videos circulated online and broadcast by TV networks show the anti-corruption protesters coming under attack by supporters of the AMAL Movement.
The assailants, whose faces appear clearly in the videos, were carrying sticks, knives and blades.
In one of the videos, an attacker is seen assaulting a female protester who was filming the confrontation.
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