The Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Imad Othman stressed on Wednesday that although the ISF members are “allowed to use their weapons” during an operation, but they “did not use that right to fire gunshots yesterday” (during Saturday’s Jahlieyh raid).
“Individuals bearing the right to use arms did not use that right to fire gunshots yesterday,” said Othman in remarks during a conference on the achievements of the security apparatus.
He emphasized that ISF arrest operations always begin with a judicial writ, “when we head to arrest someone we begin with a judicial writ and end with a judicial writ. We perfectly know our rights and ask you to know yours.”
Othman was referring to Saturday’s incident in Jahliyeh during an ISF operation to summon ex-Minister Wiam Wahhab. Wahhab’s bodyguard, Mohammed Bou Diab, died of his wounds after gunfire erupted with the arrival of the force to Wahhab’s house.
The ex-minister has argued that Bou Diab was killed by a gunshot fired by security forces but the ISF has disputed his claim, stressing that the man was hit by a gunshot fired by Wahhab’s supporters and that its force did not fire any arms during the incident.
Wahhab was summoned in connection with a lawsuit filed against him by a number of lawyers for insults he launched against Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri and his slain father Rafik Hariri.”
“The security forces carry out their duties to combat crime on the entire Lebanese territories. The Lebanese people have sensed the progress achieved so far,” concluded Othman.
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