
Abillama Accuses Bassil of Violating Maarab Agreement

MP Eddy Abillama of the Lebanese Forces has accused Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Jebran Bassil of violating the LF-FPM Maarab Agreement.

“Prime Minister-designate (Saad) Hariri is the only one entitled to distribute ministerial portfolios in coordination with the president and not that person who has given himself the right to distribute seats as he sees fit,” Abillama said in a TV interview, referring to Bassil.

“He who is plotting against the LF's share is showing greed and the obstacle has not been created by the LF but rather by he who is standing in the face of the LF,” the MP added.

He stressed that the issue is not about “splitting shares” but rather about “reflecting the popular representation.”

“We are demanding the minimum and anything short of that would be a breach of (voters') trust,” Abillama went on to say.

In an apparent reference to the FPM's Strong Lebanon bloc, the lawmaker said “some are adding and subtracting MPs within blocs as if they are assembling 'LEGO parts' to obtain ministerial seats.”

“Some forces are being besieged, including the LF, and they think that they can succeed, but this era is long gone and this issue is nonnegotiable,” Abillama said.

“I don't advise anyone to try us,” he warned.

The MP added: “We are strong in politics and will be strong in the government and no one will be able to embarrass us to keep us out.”

He also stressed that the Maarab Agreement “must be respected,” noting that “Bassil's remarks on cabinet shares do not comply with the agreement's text and spirit.”

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