
Mustaqbal Warns of Syrian Attempts to Spread Unrest to Lebanon

Sources from the Mustaqbal Movement warned against undermining the Syrian accusations against Lebanon that al-Qaida members arriving in Syria from Lebanon were behind the twin Damascus explosions on Friday, reported the Kuwaiti daily al-Seyassah on Sunday.

They warned that these allegations may be a precursor for Lebanese and Syrian powers to create unrest in the Bekaa town of Arsal and other Lebanese towns that are harboring Syrian refugees.

The accusations may also be attempts to spread the unrest in Syria to Lebanon after it previous attempts had failed, they said.

The sources accused the Syrian regime of trying to create sectarian strife in Lebanon “in order to divert attention from its crimes against its people and ease the international pressures it is facing.”

Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn had warned on Tuesday that al-Qaida members have entered the country through Arsal “under the guise of being members of the Syrian opposition”.

He stated that reining in such incidents was “first and foremost the responsibility of the army and security forces,” but added that “at the same time it is a national responsibility that must be shouldered by all Lebanese parties.”

Suicide bombers hit two security service bases in Damascus on Friday, killing at least 40 people, in attacks the regime blamed on al-Qaida but which the opposition said were the work of the regime itself.

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