
Lebanon Files Complaint to U.N. over Israeli Spy Device in South

The Foreign Ministry has filed a complaint to the United Nations on Saturday over the Israeli spy device that was discovered in southern Lebanon a few weeks ago, reported the National News Agency.

The device was discovered in the outskirts of the southern towns of Deir Kifa and Srifa.

Lebanon deemed the find as a “blatant violation of the country’s sovereignty and Security Council resolution 1701 and a threat to international peace and security,” said the complaint.

On December 2, Hizbullah announced that it had foiled an attempt by Israel to spy on its telecommunications network that is installed between Deir Kifa and Srifa.

This prompted the Jewish state to detonate the device through which it tried to infiltrate the group’s network.

Army intelligence, in collaboration with Hizbullah, had uncovered a number of Israeli espionage devices, including one in Sannine in 2010 and another in the southern town of Shamaa in March 2011.

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