
Pietton Meets Hizbullah as Juppe Renews Accusation that Party behind UNIFIL Attack

Hizbullah International Relations official Ammar Moussawi stressed on Friday that any instability in the South affects the party more than any other in Lebanon, reported al-Liwaa newspaper on Saturday.

He condemned, after holding talks with French Ambassador to Lebanon Denis Pietton, the latest attack against the French unit in the United Nations interim Force in Lebanon, saying that the party places great importance on the security of the South.

Seven people, including five French soldiers, were injured in the attack that targeted a UNIFIL unit in the southern city of Tyre on December 9.

For his part, Pietton stated that the security of the Lebanese official authorities are responsible for maintaining the security of southern Lebanon as stipulated in U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

He stressed the need for providing UNIFIL with the security it requires at a time when the U.N. is studying the international force’s mission and strategy.

The revision will emphasize the role the Lebanese state can play in providing this security and stability, he added.

Meanwhile, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe stressed the need for uncovering the perpetrators behind the UNIFIL attack.

He told Saudi Arabia’s Okaz newspaper in remarks published on Saturday that UNIFIL’s revision of its mission may enable the Lebanese armed forces from taking over this mission.

He renewed his accusation that Syria was behind the attack and that it had employed its ally Hizbullah to execute it.

Syria and Hizbullah have denied the allegations.

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