Kataeb Party leader Sami Gemayel on Tuesday, slammed the political authority's incapability to agree on a new electoral law to rule the upcoming parliamentary polls and accused it of 'tailoring a voting system to secure power gains.”
“We are only three weeks away from the end of the parliament's term, they are seeking a law that secures power gains,” said Gemayel in a press conference.
“Two week earlier, we started hearing about some constitutional amendments about the creation of senate. How can a political class that failed over a period of 8 years from approving a new electoral law succeed in creating a senate in just two week?” he asked.
“An electoral law is supposed to serve the Lebanese people and their interests, not that of politicians. Impudence has reached a steep level as some are openly proposing how to take over power in the country for the next four years,” added Gemayel.
“The country's fate is at stake. There are refugees and Lebanese youth who are losing hope and migrating. We have important entitlements ahead that cannot be dealt with lightly.”
“The whole political authority is responsible for the failure to approve an electoral law. The government is a failure because the country is heading towards an extension of the parliament's term,” Gemayel concluded.
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