
Berri Hits Back at Hariri, Warns of Bid to 'Keep 1960 Electoral Law'

Speaker Nabih Berri announced Monday that the parties that are obstructing the formation of the new government are “the ones who are violating the Constitution, norms and the rules of forming cabinets, not those who are warning against that.”

“This is not a response to Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri but rather a clarification for him: those obstructing are the ones violating the Constitution, norms and the rules of forming cabinets, not those who are warning against that, and the ultimate objective could be to keep the 1960 (electoral) law,” Berri said.

Berri's remarks came after a meeting at the Baabda Palace between Hariri and President Michel Aoun.

“We are in agreement with the president on everything. There are some obstacles and the one obstructing is well-known, you can ask him about that,” Hariri told reporters after the meeting.

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