
Miqati Seeks to Contain Repercussions of Lebanon’s Stance from Syria

Premier Najib Miqati has launched a series of meetings with diplomats to contain the repercussions of Lebanon’s vote against the suspension of Syria from the 22-member Arab League.

Sources close to Miqati told An Nahar daily on Tuesday that the prime minister is trying to explain the Lebanese stance, stressing to the diplomats that Beirut’s decision is not targeted at Arab countries but is only aimed at protecting Lebanon.

Miqati is asking the ambassadors to take into account the Lebanese situation and relay his explanations to their governments, they said.

On Monday, the PM met with Egyptian ambassador Mohammed Tewfic, Jordan’s ambassador Ziad Majali and the European Union’s ambassador Angelina Eichhorst.

Miqati is expected to hold more talks with ambassadors on Tuesday.

Political sources said Miqati’s move came ahead of a parliamentary session on Wednesday which is expected to witness a heated debate over Lebanon’s stance from the Arab League decision although the issue is not on the session’s agenda.

In an effort aimed at averting a possible clash between pro- and anti-government forces, intense contacts are underway on the eve of the session to control the situation.

Ministerial sources also told al-Liwaa newspaper that Miqati will brief the cabinet on Tuesday about the Lebanese stance and explain to the ministers about his meetings with the diplomats.

The Syrian regime has come under mounting global pressure over a bloody eight-month security crackdown in response to democracy protests.

The Arab League suspended Syria on Saturday. But Lebanon, Syria and Yemen voted against the move, while Iraq abstained.

Meanwhile, Miqati said on Twitter that he believes in "realpolitik.” He stressed the need for both "idealism" and "realism" in running state affairs not "populism."

“Fellow country women and countrymen: time will tell if populism delivers more to our country than wisdom deployed at the expense of popularity,” he tweeted.

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