
FPM Warns Salam on Cabinet's Decision-Making Mechanism

The Free Patriotic Movement has snapped back at Prime Minister Tammam Salam over his criticism that the party is paralyzing the cabinet, warning him not to hold it accountable.

“Our role in today's cabinet session lies in questioning and holding accountable and not being held accountable over paralysis,” Education Minister Elias Bou Saab told al-Joumhouria daily published Thursday.

Bou Saab said the FPM ministers will not allow other cabinet members to “jump over” the government's decision-making mechanism by stirring other issues.

The FPM clinched a deal during the last session for the cabinet to discuss its working mechanism that was agreed upon after the Baabda Palace was left vacant.

The cabinet crisis grew earlier this month when FPM Minister Jebran Bassil argued with Salam after accusing him of infringing on the Christian president's powers in the absence of a head of state.

As the dispute took place, FPM supporters protested near the Grand Serail.

Bou Saab's comments to al-Joumhouria came as officials close to Salam said that the PM has expressed “disgust” and “concern” over the failure to bridge the gap between the bickering sides in the government.

However, they told several dailies published on Thursday that the PM would pave the way for discussion on the cabinet's decision-making mechanism.

But Salam will not give up his authorities as prime minister and rejects paralysis, the sources stressed.

Like Bou Saab, an FPM official, who was not identified, stressed in remarks to As Safir newspaper that Salam had agreed with the party for the cabinet's mechanism to be at the top of Thursday's agenda.

“Any violation of this agreement will have repercussions,” including possible street protests, the official said.

“The FPM's supporters are mobilized and ready to move again particularly if they were provoked,” he warned.

He stressed that the FPM would be granted more legitimacy to take to the streets if Salam backed off from the agreement, which was reached in the presence of Minister Mohammed Fneish.

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