
Syrian Infiltration and Raid on Homes of Lebanese Brothers in Arsal

Syrian troops infiltrated into Lebanese territory on Tuesday and raided the homes of two brothers in the eastern town of Arsal, the third such infiltration in two weeks.

An Nahar daily on Wednesday quoted an eyewitness identified by his initials as H.S. as saying that two BTR-type armored personnel carriers along with a pickup carrying Syrian soldiers crossed the border at around 4:00 pm in the area of Kherbet Daoud.

The zone is part of Arsal that lies 10 kilometers from the Ain Arab area in Syria, the newspaper said.

The soldiers raided the homes of Zahri and Abdel Aziz al-Jabawi randomly firing from their machineguns. They later returned to the location where they came from.

An Nahar’s correspondent said the Syrian soldiers had opened the door of Zahri al-Jabawi’s house by firing on it. Several bullets had hit the walls and a television.

The soldiers had later entered a nearby courtyard that is used as a barn in the summer and for gathering used batteries to burn them and extract tin from them.

The owner told the newspaper that a satellite dish and two power generators were missing. He blamed residents of the Syrian town of Qara on the incident saying the raid was carried out against the backdrop of a land property dispute between them and al-Jabawi family.

The members of the Syrian army unit also raided Abdel Aziz al-Jabawi’s house that lies 100 meters away. But they only forced open its doors.

The National News Agency said Tuesday that two Syrian tanks entered Arsal and opened fire at an abandoned battery factory.

On Monday, more than 20 Syrian soldiers infiltrated 500 meters deep into Lebanese territory in the area of Rajam Beit Khalaf and al-Kalkha in Wadi Khaled in the northern province of Akkar.

Two weeks ago, a unit from the Syrian military accidentally fired at the Lebanese army after it infiltrated an area near the town of al-Mwanseh also in the north.

Source: Agence France Presse

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