
Asiri Says Saudi Backs Dialogue 'Regardless of Regional, Int'l Stances'

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Awadh Asiri announced Tuesday that his country supports any dialogue initiative that could pave the way for electing a new Lebanese president, “regardless of the events in the region.”

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia believes that the priority that Lebanon needs at the moment is enhancing unity among its citizens,” Asiri said after meeting Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain al-Tineh.

He added that Riyadh backs any “agreement among all political forces to hold a thorough dialogue,” hoping the Lebanese parties will “elect a new president regardless of the events in the region and their repercussions and despite any regional or international stances.”

Relations between Saudi Arabia and Hizbullah were strained again last week after Riyadh's envoy to the U.N. Security Council demanded that the party be put on the international list of “terrorist organizations.”

Hizbullah sources dismissed the call as a “sonic bubble” that has no value.

“National dialogue is the responsibility of the Lebanese brothers, not anyone else, and it is the best way that can lead to achieving the higher national interest,” Asiri added.

He noted that “the kingdom has confidence in the wisdom of the brothers in Lebanon and their loyalty to their country, whose interests must come before anything else,” the Saudi ambassador added.


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