
Salam, Jumblat Praise Abou Faour's Food Safety Battle

Prime Minister Tammam Salam lauded on Wednesday the efforts exerted by Health Minister Wael Abou to reveal spoiled food after Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat gave him his complete coverup.

Salam encouraged Abou Faour to continue his precautionary measures and demanded him to firmly deal with the matter and violators.

Salam's statement came during a meeting with Abou Faour at the Grand Serail.

Earlier on Wednesday, Jumblat praised Abou Faour's battle against contaminated food.

“I will continue to offer him my complete coverup,” Jumblat said in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

The Druze leader praised Tuesday's press conference held by Abou Faour, stressing the importance of “going to the end with the case.”

“The health of citizens is in danger,” Jumblat remarked.

Abou Faour raised the alarm on Tuesday over food safety in the country, warning that “the food that the Lebanese are eating is full of diseases.”

Some popular restaurant chains and supermarkets are serving customers food contaminated with bacteria and other inedible substances, the minister said, mentioning other violations involving “the presence of flies on the refrigerators of dairy products, the presence of open garbage bins in kitchens, workers not wearing gloves … and frying oil that was not changed for months.”

Jumblat stressed to As Safir newspaper the importance of integration between all the competent authorities in the battle against corruption, calling on the judiciary to carry out its role in pursuing and punishing offenders.

The PSP chief also demanded Agriculture Minister Akram Shehayeb to reveal the scandals in the sector, noting that some vegetables are being irrigated with sewage water.



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