
Change and Reform Slams Geagea, March 14, Says 'Terrorists Plotting Military Act'

The Change and Reform parliamentary bloc on Tuesday strongly criticized the stances of March 14's general secretariat and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on the recent clashes in Brital, warning that “the terrorists could be plotting a new military operation.”

“We are now facing two 'forbidden things' -- it is forbidden to respond against terrorism outside Lebanon to fend off the threats and it is forbidden to respond from inside Lebanon,” the bloc said sarcastically in a statement issued after its weekly meeting, referring to Hizbullah's intervention in Syria and its latest battle against jihadist militants in the outskirts of the Bekaa border town of Brital.

“The general secretariat (of March 14) has mobilized to defend you,” the bloc added, ridiculing the general secretariat's statement on the border incident.

The statement, which was recited by former minister Salim Jreissati, warned that “the raids and attacks on the outskirts of Younine and Brital were followed by clashes in Nahle's mountains today and the terrorists could be plotting a new military operation.”

“We will never give up Lebanon's elements of strength,” the bloc underlined.

“The repetitive remarks about (U.N. Security Council) Resolution 1701 indicate total ignorance of the aforementioned resolution,” it said, referring to remarks by Geagea and March 14's general-secretariat.

The LF leader has said that the clashes must push the government to “take a binding decision on Hizbullah's withdrawal from Syria,” reiterating his call for a “joint command and control center” with the anti-Islamic State international coalition.

For its part, March 14's general secretariat noted that “border defense at the hands of Hizbullah is rejected because of Hizbullah's involvement in the ongoing fighting in Syria and because it allows other illegitimate groups to posses arms under the pretext of equality.”

Separately, the bloc said the recent Iranian grant is “an unconditional grant for the Lebanese army and the letter about it was immediately referred by the foreign minister to the competent minister.”

“UNSCR 1474 only applies to economic transactions, so should we reject the grant only because it came from Iran? Political rejection is rejected amid these circumstances which the entire world has described as dangerous,” Change and Reform pointed out.

Turning to the issue of the Lebanese troops held hostage by al-Nusra Front and the IS, the bloc said negotiations should be conducted “with nations, not with two groups that are exploiting alleged contradictions between them as well as our hesitation.”

“It is important to conduct the negotiations in a serious manner,” the bloc added.

It warned that “the takfiris are manipulating time, the families (of the troops) and the decisions, but we should set the price for the release of the troops.”

Asked about Geagea's remarks, Jreissati said “what he proposed is a war scheme and Lebanon has said its word regarding the international coalition.”

“It must involve a U.N. resolution and coordination with the Syrian state,” he added.


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