
Some Arsal Abductees Could be Released on al-Adha Holiday as Negotiations Continue

Mediations between kidnappers of the Arsal soldiers and the Qatari negotiator could herald the release of one of the soldiers before al-Adha holiday, meanwhile sources close to the premiership stressed that efforts continue in that regard.

The Qatari mediator expects the release of one or more of the soldiers that were kidnapped, as a “good will gesture” before al-Adha holiday, al-Akhbar daily reported on Thursday.

Negotiations are expected to continue in a bid to set a deal and exchange the abductees for detainees who have not been put on trial yet and not in return for convicted inmates in Roumieh prison, the daily added.

Sources close to Prime Minister Tammam Salam stressed to al-Liwaa newspaper that the negotiation process “is ongoing through local and Arab channels.”

“The Qatari mediations are active with the Lebanese side in that regard, while Turkey has failed so far to take any step in that direction,” the sources added.

They stressed “the government's keenness to end this file as soon as possible, and thereby to reassure the families of the soldiers. But regional factors surrounding this file may require more patience and more time, prompting the prime minister to demand that the politicians keep this case out of political and local conflicts.”

More than 30 soldiers were held captive by the Islamic State and al-Nusra Front extremist groups during fierce clashes with the Lebanese army in the northeastern town of Arsal in August.

The IS beheaded two of them, while al-Nusra Front killed a third.

Media reports say that the kidnappers demand the release of Roumieh Islamist inmates in exchange.

Families of the captive troops are voicing calls and blocking roads calling for the release of their sons.



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