
Aoun to Miqati: You are the One Committing Violations, Not Sunni Sect

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun slammed on Tuesday Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s recent statements, stressing that he is not targeting the Sunni sect, but the premier himself over his violation.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Your sectarian bias won’t prevent us from criticizing you.”

Miqati had told al-Jadeed television on Sunday that cabinet Secretary General Suheil Bouji, General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza, Middle East Airlines director Mohammed al-Hout, Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi, and ISF Intelligence Bureau head Wissam al-Hassan have performed their duties to the utmost.

Addressing Miqati, Aoun continued: “The Intelligence Bureau has committed violations and you have the authority to dissolve it.”

“You have committed the violation and you are being targeted, not the Sunni sect,” he stressed.

He gave the example of former Premier Omar Karami, “who abided by laws, adopted national stands, and did not exploit his sect for political gains.”

Regarding the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the FPM leader said: “I have my own personal opinion on the tribunal.”

“I had informed United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that its adoption under chapter seven of the U.N. charter is a violation of Lebanon’s constitution,” Aoun noted.

“I won’t support the tribunal even if Hizbullah does,” he stated.

Addressing administrative affairs, the MP said: “They don’t want the country to advance.”

“The bankruptcy of Electricite du Liban was deliberate and they destroyed houses in order to employ Solidere to rebuild them,” he added.

“They speak of privatization, but what does that mean? Ask Miqati if companies have paid their dues,” he continued.

Aoun noted: “The state pays and the privatizers achieve the gains. Lebanon will become a state whether they like it or not.”

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