
ISF, Hizbullah Clash Over Spy Networks

The Internal Security Forces leadership snapped back at Hizbullah mouthpiece al-Manar TV station over accusations that the Intelligence Branch had neglected its duties in arresting Mossad agents.

Without naming al-Manar, the ISF general directorate said in a communiqué on Friday that unlike the TV report that no spying network was arrested in the past year, the Intelligence Branch had arrested 4 rings, the latest in June 2001.

The general directorate expressed regret that al-Manar was using a “national case” against the indictment that was issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination case.

Hizbullah accuses the STL of being an Israeli and U.S. tool, saying they had manipulated data through their spies in Lebanon to accuse members of the Shiite party of involvement in Hariri’s murder.

Al-Manar broadcast a report on Thursday doubting the telecom data that was used to indict the four suspects and accusing the Intelligence Branch of arresting the spying networks to serve al-Mustaqbal movement.

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