
Geagea Says Cabinet Paralyzed, Dominated by Hizbullah and Syria

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed that the Lebanese government is dominated by Hizbullah and the Syrian regime that were behind the toppling of the cabinet led by former PM Saad Hariri.

“The President (Michel Suleiman) and the Premier (Najib Miqati) are the ones who supervise the formation of the government… they had a strong tendency to form a technocrat cabinet… However, the result was the opposite,” Geagea told al-Ekhbariya Saudi channel.

He said that when Lebanon disavowed itself from voting on the U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria and from the Arab League FMs closing statement proves that this cabinet is controlled by Hizbullah and Syria.

Asked if the Syrian-Lebanese relations forced Lebanon to take such decisions, Geagea said: “It’s true that good relations link Lebanon with Syria, but aren’t the people protesting in the streets (of Syria) also connected to the Lebanese?”

He ruled out that the Lebanese division over the situation in Syria will lead to local disputes, saying: “We can’t but respect the people’s will” in Syria.

“The crisis in Syria will end after a democratic free regime rises,” he remarked.

The LF leader stressed that the March 14-led opposition will escalate its parliamentary opposition to topple the cabinet.

“The government was paralyzed immediately after it began its tasks… The confrontations between the officials (in the cabinet) started and they are now trying to prepare for the Sep. 7 ministerial session,” Geagea told al-Ekhbariya.

He stressed that the March 14 camp began its opposition before the Syrian people’s uprising, noting that “the developments in Syria will affect the cabinet’s term.”

Geagea slammed accusations made by March 8 forces hinting that the March 14 forces are linked to an American-Israeli scheme in Lebanon.

He accused Hizbullah of being linked to an Iranian-Syrian axis, stressing that “the March 14 forces, Arab and International groups currently share this idea.”

Concerning Hizbullah’s rejection to cooperate with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri, he slammed the stance denying that it is politicized.

“Hizbullah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah can accuse the (STL) judges of being friends with Israel, but that doesn’t mean it’s true,” Geagea stressed.

He added: “Leaking the indictment by media outlets doesn’t prove that it (the STL) is politicized.”

Geagea urged Hizbullah to hand over the four suspects accused in Hariri’s murder.

Salim Ayyash, 47, Mustafa Badreddine, 50, Hussein Onaissi, 37 and Assad Sabra, 34 are all members of Hizbullah, however, their whereabouts are unknown.

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