The autopsy on Live Aid founder Bob Geldof's daughter Peaches, who died suddenly aged 25, proved inconclusive, police said Wednesday, as they awaited the results of toxicology tests.
Peaches, who wrote for British magazines and newspapers and presented celebrity-driven television shows, was found dead at her countryside home on Monday.
The local Kent Police force in southeast England said her passing was being treated as "a non-suspicious, unexplained sudden death".
"A post-mortem examination held on Wednesday following the death of Peaches Geldof has proved inconclusive pending the result of toxicology analysis," police said in a statement.
"Officers continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death in order to compile a report for the coroner.
"The result of a toxicology report can take several weeks."
Bob Geldof has said his family is suffering "beyond pain" at the death of his second daughter with television presenter Paula Yates, who died of a heroin overdose when Peaches was 11.
Peaches wed her second husband Tom Cohen, a rock singer, two years ago. They had two sons, Astala and Phaedra.
A self-confessed "wild child" in her youth, she had become an advocate of "attachment parenting" after becoming a mother.
In her final column for Mother and Baby magazine, published Tuesday with the Geldof family's blessing, Peaches wrote that she was "happier than ever".
She said she used to live a life of "wanton wanderlust... lost in a haze of youth and no responsibilities", with "nothing stopping me from having constant fun".
But that life became "boring" and her two children "became her entire existence and saved me" from a life of "pure apathy".
She said fair-weather friends drifted away, but in a "magic moment" when one of her children brought her a picture he had made, "all my doubts were erased".
"I had the perfect life -- two beautiful babies who loved me more than anything. It was, and is, bliss," she wrote.
"I'm happier than ever.
"Right now life is good. And being a mum is the best part of it."
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