
Williams Meets Geagea, Stresses Importance of 'Maintaining Stability'

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Michael Williams on Wednesday underlined “the importance of maintaining stability and also of protecting (U.N.) Security Council Resolution 1701.”

“We believe that this (UNSCR 1701) has brought stability to Lebanon in the years since 2006 and must be maintained in the face of the many challenges,” Williams added, following talks with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea in Maarab.

“We also discussed, for example, in that regard the bomb attacks against UNIFIL on May 27 and July 26 and I cautioned that this sort of attack could not be tolerated any further,” Williams told reporters after the meeting.

The two men also discussed the situations in revolt-hit Syria.

“The situation in Syria … is of concern to all Lebanese. We have seen I think a sort of developing international consensus now about how serious the situation is in Syria,” said Williams.

He hoped that “something positive will emerge from the visit of (Turkish) Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu” Tuesday to Syria.

“I believe that other envoys will be in Syria today from important Security Council member Brazil, from India and from South Africa and this I think shows the wide circle of international concern about developments in Syria,” Williams added.

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