Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea advised former Premier Saad Hariri to remain abroad over security fears and described Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat as Master Sergeant Hans Georg Schultz of an American TV sitcom.
Schultz was known in the Hogan's Heroes sitcom of simply looking the other way, repeating "I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!"
The sitcom was broadcast in the 1960s and early 70s.
“I cannot make it clearer,” Geagea told al-Akhbar newspaper about Jumblat.
When asked about Hariri, the LF leader advised him to “stay where you are.”
“Had Saad Hariri been here today, the other team (March 8) would have used his presence as a pressure tool on us,” he said, adding that the focus of the March 14 coalition today is to continue with its opposition project.
About his ties with the seat of the Maronite church in Bkirki, Geagea said: “Patriarch (Beshara) al-Rahi is a dynamic person and his tours in the region give confidence to everyone.”
While confirming that he would attend a meeting of top Maronite officials on August 25, he expressed reservations about it saying Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun hasn’t committed himself to an agreement reached in the last meeting to adopt a calm rhetoric and not make personal accusations against each other.
Turning to the developments in Syria, Geagea said: “What is happening is unacceptable by all standards.”
“There is no turning back,” he told his interviewer adding that the Assad regime is heading towards collapse.
Geagea also accused the March 8 forces of seeking to shove March 14 in the Syrian crisis. But he stressed that the Lebanese opposition only expresses its condemnation of the injustice in Syria.
“This is an ethical stance towards the people that are heading towards freedom, democracy and modernization,” he said.
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