
Suleiman Calls for Concessions as Saniora Meets him over New Cabinet

Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Saniora visited on Saturday President Michel Suleiman, who urged all parties to make concessions to form a government that wins parliament's vote of confidence.

Saniora's press office said after his talks with Suleiman at Baabda Palace that the meeting was “serious” and “honest.”

It will be followed by other meetings with the involved officials pending an appropriate decision, it said.

The Baabda talks, which lasted an hour, came a day after reports said that the March 14 alliance had accepted a proposal to form a cabinet based on the 8-8-8 formula.

But a statement issued by Baabda Palace did not confirm the news, saying the president called for mutual concessions through a cabinet that wins the vote of confidence of the parliament and the trust of the Lebanese.

Suleiman hoped that the political parties would reach an understanding on an all-embracing cabinet that prioritizes the daily and social lives of the people.

Despite the optimism and reports that there was a 50 percent chance to form an all-embracing government, several hurdles still needed to be removed.

Among them is the policy statement, which March 8 officials say should be left for discussion until after the formation of the cabinet.

But March 14 officials, which al-Mustaqbal is part of, stress that the policy statement should be based on the Baabda Declaration and not the army-people-resistance formula as with previous governments.

The June 2012 Declaration includes a deal by rival officials to distance Lebanon from regional conflicts, particularly the war in Syria.

The March 14 camp accuses Hizbullah of violating the Declaration by sending its members to flight alongside Syrian President Bashar Assad's troops against the rebels seeking to topple him.

Another major and new obstacle was the reported rejection of Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea to participate in a cabinet in which Hizbullah is represented.

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader Saad Hariri has reportedly held a one-hour telephone conversation with Geagea on Friday.

The reports said, however, that the rival parties have agreed on the rotation of portfolios in the government in which the March 8 and 14 alliances and centrists would get eight ministers each.

Local dailies said that Saniora is also expected to meet soon with Speaker Nabih Berri, who is a staunch supporter of an all-embracing cabinet despite a warning by Suleiman that he would form along with Premier-designate Tammam Salam a non partisan government by the end of the month if the rivals failed to strike a deal on the 8-8-8 formula.

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