
March 14 Slams Hizbullah’s ‘Provocation’ of Comparing Hariri Assassination Suspects to Saints

The March 14 General Secretariat condemned on Wednesday Hizbullah’s “provocation” of comparing four suspects in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri to saints.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “These stands demonstrate the party’s nervousness ahead of the unveiling of the truth.”

The first phase of the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon included arrest warrants against four Hizbullah members.

The party had repeatedly said that it would not cooperate with the tribunal, with MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi comparing the suspects to saints over their role in Hizbullah.

The deadline for handing over the suspects is set to end soon, said the March 14 statement.

This will be followed with the publication of the indictment and the details of the accusations, it noted.

Furthermore, the statement condemned the “Hizbullah-led campaign against former Prime Minister Saad Hariri”, deeming it an attempt to politically assassinate him.

“The campaign is doomed to fail given the March 14 forces’ determination to confront any coup and illegitimate arms at the time Lebanese and Arab people have achieved the victory for dignity, freedom, justice, and democracy,” it stressed.

The General Secretariat also condemned Tuesday’s attack against a United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon patrol, labeling it as an attack against U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and Lebanon’s commitments to international agreements.

It noted that the attack took place “at a suspicious time and it falls in favor of Israel’s interests and that of a certain regional alliance.”

“These attacks would not have taken place in the first place had it not been for Hizbullah’s hostile positions towards international agreements,” the statement said.

On the anti-regime demonstrations in Syria, the March 14 forces called on the Arab League to assume its responsibilities in the matter and work on halting the bloodshed.

“The success of the revolt will pave the way for a new chapter in ties between Syria and Lebanon and Syria and the region,” it remarked.

“It will present a chance for the establishment of civil peace in Lebanon that has long been manipulated by the Syrian regime,” added the statement.

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