
Qassem Praises Miqati’s Trip to South: All Countries Will Cooperate with this Cabinet

Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stated on Tuesday that the government’s functioning began despite the obstacles issued by some sides aimed at hindering its mission.

He noted that the cabinet’s recent agreement on various appointments in state positions is a sign of the productivity it is aspiring for.

On Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s tour of southern Lebanon over the weekend, he said: “He did well by launching his activity by heading to the South where he asserted the equation of army, people, and Resistance.”

“He therefore accepted the government’s political choice not to weaken Lebanon, but work on liberating its land and protect its independence,” he added.

“All countries will cooperate with the elected Lebanese government … as it represents all Lebanese factions, which will create stability in the country,” Qassem noted.

“This will bring about prosperity and international respect,” he stressed.

In addition, the Hizbullah official stated: “The new opposition will be surprised when it finds itself in a vacuum.”

The government will work diligently because the people have grown frustrated with the political approach that serves the Israeli agenda, he said.

“The people want to keep their heads held up high and prevent Lebanon from being exploited for the interests of others,” he remarked.

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